
Preparing For Our Trip

We are going to Disney World!  And we are leaving right after I get my Black Friday shopping done :)  So, our trip has a rather tight budget....so in order to not spend way too much money at the airport, we are planning ahead!

Last night I made....
Pumpkin Peanut Butter Protein Bars
 Honey Roasted Chickpeas
 And Trail Mix

Along with this...we are going to bring our own water bottles, some fruit & veggies, string cheese, and hard boiled eggs.  Jordan has his own snacks...Unhealthy Trail Mix, Animal Crackers, Pretzles, and some other things.  We are going to make it on our trip with limited dollars if we can just stick to the plan!!!!!

P.S. We also learned why we don't have tons of snacks around the house all the time....we eat them!  We eat them so fast they aren't even worth buying...literally.  Because they are expensive!  As told by the empty Oreos container, and empty economy size of honey roasted peanuts.  Usually its me that has the sweets portion control....but this time I can blame Jordan!  :) And secretly, I am happy about that!


Where the Wild Things Are

Tonight we have two houseguests.  My 6-year-old and 9-year-old nephews.  They. Are. Nuts.

I decided I better make breakfast for them tonight.  Since every two seconds since they have arrived they have come up to me and said "I'm hungry".  I have some sourdough starter on the counter so decided to use that to make a whole wheat pancake recipe.

Whole Wheat Sourdough Pancakes
2-3 cups Sourdough starter (Friendship Bread variety)
1/2 cup Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 cup Rolled Oats
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 Egg
1/2 cup of milk (or however much it takes to create the consistency you like)



Why Daylight Savings Time Is Not My Friend

I debated whether or not I wanted to share this story----but it is too funny not to.  Shortly after the time change, Jordan and I were still having our dedicated weekend hikes.  Sunday night we were at the park and barely made it back before complete darkness hit.  I guess I didn't keep track of what time that was...
Monday after work, I was pretty motivated to work out (Family Biggest Loser contest is in Week 3 now) but didn't want to run on the treadmill.  I decided to go to a nearby park with hiking trails, looked at the map and knew I wouldn't have enough time to go on the long trail, so found the shortest trail color on the map and went to town.  It was a mile loop that I wanted to walk/run but it was pretty hilly (with lots of leaves that made it slippery) so I had to walk quite a bit.
Well, the sun was going down and----I wasn't back yet.  Hmmmm...it was only 1 mile WTH???
Oh...yeah, I missed my turn.  I ended up doing over 1.5 loops of the trail and was now stuck at the furthest point on the map. AUUUGH!  Let's add another dynamic to the list---my cell phone battery was dieing.  After a frantic call to Jordan to let him know my predicament...I attempted to decide which fork in the road to take me home.  One fork would lead me back to the trail head.  The other fork...would also take me to the fork head but not before the treacherous hill up and down with a water crossing.  Problem was, I didn't know which was which.
I did the inthinkable....I had to call for help.  Who did I call-----yup.  The police.  Ohhhh my goodness I felt so bad...and embarassed!  They were sending help.
I sat out in the quiet, pitch-black woods alone, for about 1.0-1.5 hours.  Looking at the stars, trying to make noise to keep the deer away from me that I could hear in every direction, pretending like I was camping...thinking about sasquatch.  Anything to not freak out.  Surprisingly, I kept pretty calm and eventually, 2 very nice policemen came out to save me and escort me back to the parking lot.
Totally embarassed, they were very surprised that I was 1. alone and 2. not totally scared.  Impressive, I know.

Well, I won't be hiking alone anymore....and definitely not after Daylight Savings Time.  Lesson.  Learned.


Brief Blog Hiatus

Sorry for the delay.  No one is really reading this anyway :)  However, I am sad that I got away from writing.  We are still trucking along on the farm here.  November (and October) is a very busy month.  I finally broke down and make a monthly calendar for the fridge to keep my schedule, and Jordan's on track.  Between the upcoming Church Festival we are in charge of, Jordan's basketball league, the livestock, and everything else...we are busy bees! 
This weekend we went to NAILE (North American International Livestock Expo) in Louisville, KY to pick up a couple of bred ewes from an online sale---and scope out the lambs, mingle with our cohorts, and get icecream :)  It was a good trip but it was a long drive.  And quick!  Went down Friday night and came back Saturday afternoon. 
We are also going on vacation this month to Florida.  Which means, we have to coordinate feeding plans, load up on hay, and get the ewes ultrasounded before we leave.  The hens have pretty much stopped laying (except for Old Reliable...I don't know which one she is but she is still faithfully giving us an egg per day). 
On another note, we are still going for our weekly hikes with Bocephus---the dog.  I LOVE it and I am certainly glad that Jordan is enjoying it too.  I think it is something we look forward to now.  Getting away, pretending we are somewhere further from home than we really are, and enjoying the last little bit of sunshine before winter hits.  Sigh.....I am not looking forward to winter.

*Special Update---It is now November 14th and we finally turned our heat on.  Evidently 52 degrees inside the house is just too much to bear*