
Suuuuuuueeeeey! & Saving Money on Gas

Good morning!  Already back from feeding our new piggies and everyone is doing well.  Had a bad storm last night so I hoped they were able to settle into their new home despite the thunder.  There are a few cute spotted hogs that were my immediate favorite from the group but I can't tell them that :)

Later tonight we are going to work on the chicken coop.  Only 3 more days until the hens arrive!  Heading out to see the sheep later this afternoon as breeding season continues.  Can't wait until lambing!

In the meantime, my husband and I were talking about our fuel budget.  Our major cost on this hog adventure is the gas for our truck.  I proposed that if we are more aware of our travelling from day to day...and make trips to town more deliberate, we can stay in our fuel budget throughout the month.  Drive the car more than the truck, get the $0.10/gallon card from Walmart, scout out the low prices and anything else we can do to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!  Pay off that debt darn it!

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